News phenox expandiert weiter und eröffnet modernen Neubau im Technologie-Quartier Bochum German 17. May 2021 phenox GmbH expands with opening of new UK office English 10. February 2021 Results of the international Diversion-p64 study: The largest real-world Flow Diverter experience – Recording is available! English 30. November 2020 Ruhr-Universität Bochum awards Honorary Professorship to Dr.-Ing. Hermann Monstadt English 21. October 2020 Ruhr-Universität Bochum verleiht Honorarprofessur an Dr.-Ing. Hermann Monstadt German 20. October 2020 phenox will start development of a new implant for treatment of Sidewall Aneurysms soon English 17. June 2020 phenox kann in Kürze mit der Entwicklung eines neuen Implantats zur Behandlung von Seitenwand-Aneurysmen beginnen German 17. June 2020 phenox announces the launch NEW pRESET 5-40 & pRESET LUX thrombectomy devices English 26. May 2020 phenox GmbH launches p64 MW Flow Modulation Device with HPC coating technology for treatment of intracranial aneurysms English 29. April 2020 phenox investiert in die Entwicklung eines intraaneurysmalen Implantats German 29. April 2020 New technologies announced at annual phenox Kickoff Meeting English 19. February 2020 Ceremonial contract signing in Shanghai: phenox and Wallaby Medical seal strategic sales cooperation English 20. December 2019 100 Jahre DGM: Dr. Monstadt repräsentiert phenox bei der Festveranstaltung in Berlin German 19. December 2019 phenox Announces Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Wallaby Medical Inc. for The Avenir™ Coil System in The United States and Europe English 23. September 2019 phenox employee Diana Stateczny wins European Championship in Snooker English 23. September 2019 « Previous 1 2 3 Next » Upcoming Events Current MonthNo Upcoming Event