The ESMINT webinar provides the opportunity to meet experts, who share their experience, practice, and way of thinking regarding everyday challenges in the field of neurointerventions.
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Results of the international Diversion-p64 study: the largest real-world Flow Diverter experience - Recording is available!
On Monday, 30 November 2020, ESMINT held their 41st webinar on the results of the world largest prospective, multicentre Flow Diverter Post-Market Clinical Follow-up study to date. This webinar will be moderated by Dr. Demetrius Lopes, with Prof. Alain Bonafé and Prof. Peter Schramm as the main speakers.
This webinar pointed out the key message that Diversion-p64 demonstrates non-inferiority compared to available flow diverters (FD) in the treatment of a wide range of intracranial aneurysms. With the objectives as follows:
- p64 is a fully retrievable self-expandable nitinol FD
- Safety data for 372 patients of the per protocol population at up to 12 months follow-up
- Complete Core Lab assessed angiographic data-sets for up to 6 months follow-up and up to 12 months patient follow-up
- p64 Flow Modulation Device offers a reliable, safe and effective treatment option for subjects harboring IAs in the anterior circulation.
The study is also available to watch as a free webinar recording that can be accessed by registering here.